Demonstration zum internationalen Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen, am 25. November 2019 an der Münchner Freiheit. Wir haben uns mit der Frauenrechtsgruppe von Amnesty in München zusammengeschlossen und hatten Besuch von unserer Twinning-Gruppe aus Ghana. // Demonstration for the International Day against Violence against Women, on November 25, 2019 at Münchner Freiheit. We joined forces with the women’s rights group of Amnesty in Munich and were also joined by members of our twinning group from Ghana.

Bild von einem Treffen in Lome, der Hauptstadt Togos, an dem ein Mitglied der Amnesty-München Gruppe 2019 teilgenommen hat und bei dem die politische und menschenrechtliche Lage in Togo besprochen wurde. Image from a meeting in Lome, capital of Togo, attended by a member of the group in 2019 discussing the political and human rights situation in Togo. // From the Amnesty country report: “The authorities continued to crackdown on peaceful dissent, particularly against members of the opposition Pan-African National Party ahead of the 2020 presidential election. Togo adopted several laws curtailing the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. Excessive use of force, arbitrary arrests and detentions, torture and other ill-treatment, and impunity for human rights violations and abuses persisted.”

Treffen von Amnesty-Mitgliedern in München mit einer Gästin von Amnesty Ghana im November 2019. Das Treffen war Teil einer laufenden Partnerschaft zwischen Amnesty in Deutschland und Amnesty in Ghana. // Meeting of Amnesty members in Munich with a member of a visiting delegate from Amnesty Ghana in November 2019. The meeting was part of an ongoing partnership between Amnesty in Germany and Amnesty in Ghana.